Monday, May 25, 2009

vacation and broken ankle

Despite the injury, the vacation was great. I slowed everything down, seeing fewer people and going fewer places, spending more time in decent hotels with my leg elevated.

Lorraine and I had a great time in Albany - who knew what a fine and historic downtown they have. We had an awesome dinner at Captain Jack's Oyster House.

And Bruce. Our cheap seats were wonderful -close to the stage and behind it . And, in all the years I have followed Bruce and the band (or his other bands). they have never been better. Bruce relaxed, not talking much, but warm and affectionate with us. About to turn 60 and at the peak of his power. On my feet and dancing (despite cast) for 3 and 1/2 hours.

Then a pleasant drive to Rochester. I spent three days in a recliner at Aunt Margaret's place. She brought me glasses of water and snacks and a cocktail every day at five, She called the relatives and they came to see me. Uncle Jim and Aunt Bonnie took me out to lunch in a place overlooking Lake Ontario, then out for frozen custard and a burger at places he must have taken me to as a child. Uncle Bill and Aunt Gari came to dinner, and we talked about how much we miss my father. Lunch with Aunt Jeannie and her sons Randy and Scott, and Scott's three remarkably gracious kids (2-4-6). Two year old Zak said, after visiting the water garden, "I love waterfalls". I spent an hour with my cousin Mary Alice and her granddaughter Addy.

How can I live so far away from such great people?

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